Is momentum slowing you down?

Just a thought to stimulate your thinking!

Here’s a question for you – have you ever been so stuck or gripped by fear that you literally freeze? One of our natural instincts  is to fight or flight ie: get the hell outta here!

Freezing is a whole different ball game. Being stuck, frozen or repeating the same stuff over and over again seems to be a modern take on our natural instincts – we know that there is no real danger so we just… stop!  Who knows the reason why!? The big danger in this is that we don’t develop and we don’t grow and like every living thing in life, if your not growing you are dying.

Have a quick check at what areas in you life that you may be “frozen”, it doesn’t really matter why you are stuck – what does matter is that you do something about it!

So if you have a problem and you are stuck, here are a few strategies to get you moving again and out of that rut:

1. Do something completely different – get out of that environment and change your state! Mental or Physical. Dance / sing / laugh / take a break / talk to someone new / write left handed – just make it different and see what happens.

2. Break the cycle – write down what you have habitually being doing ( you may have to ask someone if they have noticed any “patterns” or “habits” that you have when x,y or z happens). Once you know what you do habitually in the situation…change it!

3. Copy someone who is like you would like to be! Act as if…x.y.z – have fun doing it too

4. Think how someone else might deal with the problem – Einstein, Dracula, Homer Simpson…it doesn’t really matter who it is the important thing is to get moving again mentally and physically.

Remember even if you are moving in the wrong direction to begin with you – momentum will allow you to change direction very quickly! So what are you waiting for? Go and do something “Different and Crazy” step outside for a while the weathers lovely!

Be Free! 🙂

Do something...crazy!

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